Board Minutes - March 24, 2016
Link to the March 24, 2016 Board of Education Meeting Video:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Thursday, March 24, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the following members were present:
Kathy Booziotis Joe Hudgins
Brad Cole Vicky King
Linda Flowers Brian Woodard
Also present were:
Stephen Murphy Arnold Taylor
Donna Fager CCHSEA Represented
Daniel Booth
President Woodard declared a quorum present and the regular meeting of March 24, 2016, was called to order.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Flowers, to approve the minutes of the regular scheduled meeting and executive session of February 18, 2016. Roll call: Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, King and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Old Business: There were no old business items.
Foreign Language Department Presentation: Arnold Taylor, CCHS Foreign Language Department Chair, did a presentation for the Board regarding the activities of the Foreign Language Department.
Public Comments: There were no public comments.
Payment of Bills: Motion by King, seconded by Hudgins, to pay the remaining bills for the month of February, 2016; and, those available for payment for the month of March, 2016. Roll call: Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, King, Woodard and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Committee Reports: There were no committee report items.
Awarding of District Liability Insurance Bid: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to acknowledge receipt of the bids received for district liability insurance; and, to accept the lowest responsible bid that met bid specifications, for the next three years (2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19), from MH Insurance Centre LLC in the amount of $150,381.00 as presented. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, King, Woodard, Booziotis and Cole voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Superintendent Murphy indicated that the recommendation included information from two bidders that met bid specifications for three years of traditional insurance. Superintendent Murphy said that two bidders, that were Cooperatives, could not meet the bid specifications.
Approval of 2015-16 Amended School Calendar: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the 2015-16 Amended School Calendar as presented. Roll call: Hudgins, King, Woodard, Booziotis and Cole voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Approval of the Proposed 2016-17 School Calendar: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Booziotis to approve the proposed 2016-17 School Calender as presented. Roll call: King, Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes.
2016-17 IHSA Membership Renewal: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Cole, to continue membership in the IHSA for the 2016-17 school year. Roll call: Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2016-17 District Depository: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to designate the Bank of Carbondale as the District Depository for the 2016-17 school year as presented. Roll call: Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
District Board Policy Manual Update-First Reading: The Board received the updated District Board Policy Manual for first reading. Board of Education action on the updated District Board Policy Manual will occur at the April 21, 2016, Board of Education meeting.
Application for Participation in the State Seal of Biliteracy Program: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Booziotis, to approve the Application for Participation in the State Seal of Biliteracy Program as presented. Roll call: Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Resignations: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to accept the resignations of the following personnel as presented:
a. Tyler Bullock (computer network technician and assistant baseball coach) effective March 11, 2016.
b. Candis Calcaterra (Rebound guidance counselor program aide) effective May 31, 2016.
c. Jason Geis (social studies teacher) effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.
d. Natalia McLean Miller (English teacher) effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.
e. Kevin McNeill (English teacher) effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.
Roll call: Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, King and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Employment of 2015-16 Extra-Duty Personnel: Motion by King, seconded by Booziotis, to employ the following 2015-16 extra-duty personnel as presented: Assistant Baseball Coach: Scott Hankey ($1,048.00). Roll call: Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, King, Woodard and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Resolution Authorizing Notice Of Dismissal To Non-Tenured Teacher Other Than Final-Year Probationary Teachers: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by King, to approve the Resolution Authorizing Notice of Dismissal To Non-Tenured Teacher, Sarah McQuarrie, Other Than Final-Year Probationary Teachers, as presented. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, King, Woodard, Booziotis and Cole voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
State Budget Concerns: Superintendent Murphy advised the Board that every year at the March Board of Education meeting the district honorably dismisses the following personnel: temporary faculty and staff, part-time faculty, aide and monitor personnel and Rebound grant personnel at the end of the school year or grant period. In the past, these employees have usually been re-employed for the next school year following a review of the district’s needs and financial status. In addition, this is also the time of the year that the district posts its employment positions that have resulted because of resignations or retirements for the upcoming school year. Superintendent Murphy advised the Board that there is a very serious concern that these employees will not be re-employed in their positions, nor will new positions be posted for the upcoming school year, due to the lack of funds from the State of Illinois and the failure of the State to approve a budget. Superintendent Murphy advised the Board that the financial situation is so dire that funds from the State could run out as early as next month.
2015-16 Personnel to be Notified of Honorable Dismissal: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to honorably dismiss at the end of the 2015-16 school year, or current grant period, or current contract, the following personnel as presented, due to a discontinuance of services:
Temporary Faculty and Staff: Roneesha Peterson and Kelsey Pruitt
Part-time Faculty: Kara Gregory, Jennifer Kennedy, Donald Moberley, Melanie Nelson, Jane Rendon and Joshua Taylor
Aide Personnel: Carla Childs, Paul Decker, Jo Carol Deniston, Kara Gregory, Tammy Helvey, Coner Kocher, Scott Lambert, Donald Moberley, Michael Peterson, Joshua Taylor, Katherine Vieceli and Erriel Wolters
Monitor Personnel: Loneesha Carter, Karmen Gibbs, Andrew Smith, Carlton Smith, DeAndre Smith, Bradley Walker and Unree Westley
Rebound Grant Personnel: Katie Babcock, Lisa Britt, Stephanie Brown, Candis Calcaterra, Matthew Duckworth, Mark Hutchings, Marla Martin, Eden Morrison, Mary Jo Peterson and Sandra Snowden
Roll call: Hudgins, King, Woodard, Booziotis, Cole and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2016-17 Re-Employment of Administrative/Professional Support Personnel: Motion by King, seconded by Hudgins, to re-employ the following administrative/professional support personnel for the 2016-17 school year as presented:
Mark Albertini, Athletic Director
Don Biggs, Maintenance Director
Melanie Brink, Curriculum Director
Terica Doyle, Assistant Principal
Timothy Estes, Assistant Principal
Stephanie Finke, Assistant Principal
Mandy McKee, Special Education Director
Roll call: King, Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2016-17 Re-Employment of Tenured/Non-Tenured Faculty and Educational/Cafeteria/Maintenance Personnel: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Booziotis, to re-employ the following tenured/non-tenured faculty and educational/cafeteria/maintenance support personnel for the 2016-17 school year as presented:
Tenured Faculty: Daron Absher, Helen Aldridge-Bottje, Christopher Apple, Suzanne Asaturian, Pamela Barr, Brenda Berg, Erik Berrey, James Boone, Sandy Brown, Michelle Buchheit, Michael Butler, Shannon Clapsaddle, Justin Dennis, Lena Dierks, Michael Dollins, Tarrie Dullum, Bryan Dunn, Betsy Geiselman, Linaya Germann, Emily Goins, Theresa Goodin, Scott Hankey, Eric Hanson, Teresa Harris, Jamie Hogue, Gloria Jones, Sandra Jordan, Joseph Keene, Brenda Keller, Lori Koester, Meredith Lipe, Sharon Lorinskas, Judy Major, Stacey Massie, Angela Mausey, Jim Miller, Connie Morgan, Marcella Morris, Carrie Mueller, Erinn Murphy, Matthew Peck, Jason Perry, Kyle Povolish, Stephen Powers, Amy Prudencio, Jessica Pyatt, Gary Rodvelt, Erin Sagaskie, Cheryl Staley, Sandy Stanley, Greg Storm, Arnold Taylor, Maria Taylor, Dallas Terry, Michelle Thomas, Ryan Thomas, Greg Townsend, Kimberly Wheeler and Mark Woodside
Non-Tenured Faculty: Faculty Completing 4th Year: None
Faculty Completing 3rd Year: Krystal Emrick, Brandi Jones and Tracie Shackles
Faculty Completing 2nd Year: Jessica Anderson, Stephen Arvanis, Joe Bevis, Jeff Hansen, Brandon Lukes and Justin Merriman
Faculty Completing 1st Year: William Curtin, Andrew Gwinup and Bryan Lee
Educational Support Personnel: Lisa Bastien, Rebecca Cissell, Mindy Clark, Irene Davenport, Verlena Greer, Rannetta Halteman, Marialice Jenkins, Lucia Kelso, Kelly Lannom, Michelle Lewis, Barbara Mason, Anne Johnson, Amy Morse, Barbara Mueller, Kelsey Pruitt, Laurie Rendleman, Cheryl Rich, Jarrod Ritter, GeNae Welch and Matthew Young
Cafeteria Personnel: Katie Behrens, T’Neesha Cavins, Gregory Donahue, Rosita Girard, Belinda Hickam, Heather Hines, Robin Mayhugh, Stephanie Murray and Sherry Wyatt
Maintenance Personnel: Michael Green, Austin Hardwig and David Little
Roll call: Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
April Board Meeting: The April Board of Education meeting will be Thursday, April 21, 2016.
Adjournment: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to adjourn the meeting. Roll call: Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.