August 2015

Board Minutes - August 20, 2015


The regular meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Thursday, August 20, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Kathy Booziotis Vicky King

Brad Cole Francis Tsung

Joe Hudgins Brian Woodard

The following member was absent: Linda Flowers

Also present were:

Stephen Murphy Terica Doyle

Donna Fager Stephanie Finke

Daniel Booth CCHSEA Represented

President Woodard declared a quorum present and the regular scheduled meeting of August 20, 2015, was called to order.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the minutes of the regular scheduled meeting of July 16, 2015, and the minutes of the July 16, 2015, executive session. Roll call: Booziotis, Hudgins, King, Tsung and Woodard voted yes. Member Cole abstained. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Old Business: There were no old business items.

Introduction of New Faculty: Daniel Booth introduced the new faculty members to the Board:

Timothy Estes, Assistant Principal

William Curtin, English Teacher

Bryan Lee, Social Studies Teacher/Head Football Coach

Jennifer Kennedy, Art Teacher

Kevin McNeill, English Teacher

Donald Moberly, Industrial Technology Teacher

Kelsey Pruitt, Temporary Media Coordinator/Library Information Specialist

President Woodard welcomed the faculty members on behalf of the Board of Education.

Member Answers Roll: Member Flowers answered roll call at 7:03 p.m.

Public Comments: There were no public comments.

Payment of Bills: Motion by Cole, seconded by Hudgins, to pay the remaining bills for the month of July, 2015; and, those available for payment for the month of August, 2015. Roll call: Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, King, Tsung, Woodard and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2015 Summer School Update: Terica Doyle and Stephanie Finke updated the Board on the 2015 Summer School Program.

Member Hudgins commented the summer program was well received by the students.

Member Tsung asked if the recent College Boot Camp could become a part of the summer program. He said that it would be helpful to juniors in receiving that information prior to their senior year. Superintendent Murphy advised that this was the first year for the College Boot Camp program. He said that idea was definitely something they would look at in the future. Mr. Murphy also reported the government summer school program may be discontinued in the future due to the increasing inability to find teachers to teach the class.He said the students could easily be incorporated into the government sections their senior year.

2015-16 District-Wide Goals: Superintendent Murphy requested the Board's thoughts/input in preparing the 2015-16 District-Wide Goals.

Member Flowers asked if the Board could receive information on how the district was progressing on last year’s goals prior to making goal recommendations for this year.

Member King asked if the Board could receive a report from the Public Relations Committee prior to making goal recommendations for this year.

Superintendent Murphy advised the Board he would forward them information on the progress of last year’s goals and a report from the Public Relations Committee.

Bids and Quotes: There were no bids or quotes.

Presentation of the 2015-16 Tentative Budget for Public Display: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to receive the tentative budget for the 2015-16 school year, place it on display for the public at the district office, the high school office, and the Carbondale Public Library, and to hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, King, Tsung, Woodard, Booziotis and Cole voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2015-16 Application for Recognition of Public Schools: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Flowers, to approve the 2015-16 Application For Recognition Of Public Schools as presented. Roll call: Hudgins, King, Tsung, Woodard, Booziotis, Cole and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Approval of 2015 August Graduates: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Tsung, to approve the following students for official graduation August 20, 2015:

Hunter Daniel Abate-Barrett D’Anthony D. Gamble

Zachary Michael Baize Nicholas Andre Marcus Hastings

Mariah Ellyse Childs Chinecwa Tirie Hatchett

Austin Ray Davis Logan Riley Huppert

Mason Shane Davis Daysha Monique Matthews

Mitchell Javan Dinn Ke’Londa Sherece Pemberton

Courtney Irene Dixon Julien Scott Shoemaker

Roll call: King, Tsung, Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

PA 96-0434/PA 97-0609 Report Compensation Report FY15: The Board received a copy of the PA 96-0434/PA 97-0609 Compensation FY15 for their review.

Report on Administrator/Teacher/Teacher Aide Salary and Benefits FY15: The Board received a copy of the Report on Administrator/Teacher/Teacher Aide Salary and Benefits FY15 for their review.

Executive Session: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by King, to go into executive session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. Roll call: Tsung, Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none.The executive session convened at 7:19 p.m.

Executive Session Adjourned: The executive session adjourned at 7:34 p.m.

Public Session Reconvenes: The public session of the meeting reconvened at 7:35 p.m. President Woodard stated no action was taken while in executive session.

Resignation: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Cole, to accept the resignation of Danny Wilson (English teacher) effective August 3, 2015, as presented. Roll call: Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, King and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Employment of 2015-16 Personnel: Motion by King, seconded by Booziotis, to employ the following 2015-16 personnel as presented:

a. English Teacher--Retroactively employ Kevin McNeill as a full-time English teacher for the 2015-16 school year, effective August 13, 2015. Mr. McNeill’s education and experience will place him at Line 0, Column MA/MS on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($46,763.00).

b. Driver Education Behind-the-Wheel Teachers--Personnel as presented: Cliff Davis, Jeff Hansen*, Krystal Emrick, Kim Wheeler, Greg Storm. *Pending receipt of endorsement.

c. Hall Monitor--Retroactively employ Loneesha Carter as hall monitor for the 2015-16 school year at the rate of $84.00/Day effective August 14, 2015.

d. Extra-Duty Personnel--Personnel as presented:

Assistant Band Director: Thomas Embrich ($1,012.00), David Kinley ($1,012.00), Deirdre Stokes ($1,012.00),Alex Taylor ($1,012.00), Josh Lipe ($1,011.00)

Fall Play:Justin Dennis ($1,138.00), Erik Berrey ($569.00), Conor Kocher ($569.00)

Musical: Erik Berrey ($853.00), Conor Kocher ($853.00)

Boys Bowling Coach: Tyler Bullock

Assistant Volleyball Coach: Kasey Krough ($2,278.00), Ryley Miller ($2,278.00)

e. Rebound Grant Personnel--Employment is contingent on the availability of grant funds.--Retroactive Employment Period: August 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016. Hours will be reduced during the summer or until adequate student enrollment is achieved.--Personnel as presented:

Katie Babcock, Parent Educator Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $15.77/Hr.

Lisa Britt, English Teacher Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $17.86/Hr.

Stephanie Brown, Family Services Educator Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $19.25/Hr.

Candy Calcaterra, Guidance Counselor Program Aide--37.5 Hrs./Week @ $21.35/Hr.

Matt Duckworth, Social Studies Teacher Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $17.15/Hr.

Mark Hutchings, GED Teacher Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $21.04/Hr.

Marla Martin, Reading/Health/Consumer Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ 21.04/Hr.

Eden Morrison, Math/Science Teacher Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $16.00/Hr.

Mary Jo Peterson, Transition Counselor Program Aide--20 Hrs./Week @ $21.04/Hr.

Sandra Snowden, Adult Education Coordinator Program Aide--37.5 Hrs./Week @ $25.00/Hr.

Roll call: Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, King, Tsung and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Approval of 2015-16 Volunteer Football Coach: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Flowers, to approve Corey Barder as a volunteer football coach for the 2015-16 school year as presented. Roll call: Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, King, Tsung, Woodard and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

September Board of Education Meeting: The September Board of Education meeting will be Thursday, September 24, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.

2015-16 CCHS Handbook for Students-Parents-Faculty: The Board received a copy of the 2015-16 CCHS Handbook for Students-Parents-Faculty in their Board packet.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.