August 2009

Board Minutes - August


The regular meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

Upon roll call, the following members were present: Kathy Booziotis, Kenneth Hughes, Robert Brewer, William Sherwood, Linda Flowers and Francis Tsung. The following member was absent: Mike Durr Also present were: Steven R. Sabens, Crystal Swan-Gravatt, Steve Kosco, Virginia Appuhn, Stephen Murphy and CCHSEA Represented.

President Brewer declared a quorum present and the regular meeting of August 20, 2009 was called to order.

Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting of July 16, 2009 were approved as distributed.

Introduction of New Faculty: Mr. Murphy introduced the new administrators and faculty members to the Board of Education.

Public Comments: Terry Bovee requested to address the Board of Education regarding public comments that he made at the July 16, 2009 Board of Education meeting. President Brewer advised Mr. Bovee that any further comments should be put in writing to Superintendent Sabens. Mr. Bovee provided Mr. Sabens with his written comments.

Payment of Bills: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Flowers, to pay the remaining bills for the month of July, 2009; and, those available for payment for the month of August, 2009. Roll call: Booziotis, Brewer, Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Presentation of the 2009-10 Tentative Budget for Public Display: Motion by Hughes, seconded by Sherwood, to receive the tentative budget for the 2009-10 school year, place it on display for the public at the district office, the high school office, and the Carbondale Public Library, and to hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Roll call: Brewer, Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none.Motion carried.

Approval of August 2009 Graduates: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Booziotis, to approve the following students for August 20, 2009 graduation: Jamie Astin, Phillip Elsner, Jeff Reid, Christian Beebe, Yvonne Glander, Daniel Rondeau, Madison Lynn Bray, Emerald Hoffard, Bianca Thompson, Cavin Carruthers, Jonathan Kranwetter, Keith Timmons, Justin Cavins, Adam Mason, Lee Valco, Sebastian Cobb, Adonis McCloud, Kenneth Vaughn, Michael Paul Coffman, Casey Moran, Rachel Ward, Aaron Conrad, Madison Palen and Anastasia Will. Roll call: Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis and Brewer voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Application for Use of School Property: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hughes, to approve the Application for Use of Property as presented. Roll call:Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Employments: Motion by Hughes, seconded by Sherwood, to retroactively employ the following driver education behind-the-wheel faculty, Rebound grant personnel, teacher aide/hall monitor and extra-duty/extended-time personnel for the 2009-10 school year:

a. Driver Education Behind-the-Wheel Faculty--Personnel: Robert Taylor, Michael Butler and Mark Albertini.

b. Rebound Grant Personnel--The employment of the following Rebound grant personnel is contingent upon grant funding and student enrollment, with reduced hours during the months when evening classes are not in session and during the summer:

Judy Randall, GED/ESL/Workforce Coordinator--Tentative dates of employment: August 10, 2009-July 30, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $22.13/Hour.

Sandra Snowden, Family Services Coordinator--Tentative dates of employment: August 10, 2009-July 30, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $18.82/Hour.

Candy Calcaterra, Guidance Counselor--Tentative dates of employment: August 10, 2009-July 30, 2010--37.5 Hours/Week @ $18.54/Hour.

Stephanie Franklin, Family Services Educator--Tentative dates of employment: August 12, 2009-July 22, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $16.73/Hour.

Bob Chamberlin, Social Studies Teacher--Tentative dates of employment: August 17, 2009-July 22, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $27.65/Hour.

Rob Gruny, English/Computer Teacher--Tentative dates of employment: August 17, 2009-July 22, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $23.23/Hour.

Marla Martin, Health/Consumer/Reading Teacher--Tentative dates of employment: August 17, 2009-July 22, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $18.28/Hour.

Mark Hutchings, GED Teacher at Gateway--Tentative dates of employment: August 17, 2009-July 22, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $18.28/Hour.

Rob Dean, Math/Science Teacher--Tentative dates of employment: August 17, 2009-July 22, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $15.77/Hour.

Monique Baltz, GED Teacher--Tentative dates of employment: August 17, 2009-July 22, 2010--36 Hours/Week @ $15.35/Hour.

Mary Jo Peterson, ESL Teacher--Tentative dates of employment: August 17, 2009-May 21, 2010--15 Hours/Week @ $18.28/Hour.

c. Teacher Aide/Hall Monitor Personnel--Personnel: Kathryn Lambertus, Perkins Grant Teacher Aide (35 Hours/Week)--Rate of pay: $9.07/Hour; Casey Raymer, Title I Reading Aide--Rate of pay: $9.32/Hour; Larry Warner, Hall Monitor--Rate of pay: $78.00/Day.

d. Extra-duty/Extended-time Personnel--Personnel: Assistant Speech: Sean Fritsch (1/3 stipend); Theatre Fall Play: Sean Fritsch (1/3 stipend); Assistant Boys Soccer Coach: Ortez Davis; Assistant Girls Soccer Coach: Ortez Davis; Assistant Football Coach: Wendell Wheeler ($3,185.25) and Larry Warner ($2,123.50); Assistant Wrestling Coach: Gerald Richards ($1,912.50) and Andrew Ortman ($1,912.50); Assistant Basketball Coach: Ty Moss ($2,548.20), Mark Albertini ($2,548.20), Wendell Wheeler ($2,548.20), Joe Hamilton ($2,548.20), Michael Butler ($1,274.10) and Ryan Thomas ($1,274.10); Assistant Volleyball Coach: Michelle Stevens ($1,912.50).

Roll call: Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer, Flowers and Hughes voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Volunteer Coach: Motion by Sherwood, seconded by Flowers, to approve volunteer football coach Pat Tello as presented. Roll call: Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer, Flowers, Hughes and Sherwood voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.