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Reunion Calendar

Future plans for CCHS class reunions will appear here.  If you are planning a reunion and want information about it posted here, please contact Jarrod Ritter.

The Class of 2014 is planning their 10 year class reunion.

Click here for the Class of 2014's official Facebook Reunion Page.

The Class of 1984 is planning their 40 year class reunion events August 30th through September 1st.  Casual get-together Friday night. Saturday events include Wine Trail Tour with transportation or golfing with classmates through the day and class party Saturday night.  More info to follow. Click here for more information and click here for the registration form.  You may also contact Cindy Jackman via email.

The Classes of 1979 and 1980 are hosting their 45th Reunion the weekend of October 4-6 in Carbondale. 

Please follow this link to update your contact information:

To see the details of the weekend events and to register for Friday's Tailgate and Saturday's Dinner, please follow this link:

Click here to see photos from previous reunions.