Living the Plan
Prepare all students for college, career, and post-secondary success.
STRATEGY 1 Improve equity and overall student achievement while providing the necessary level of support to ensure academic success among all student subgroup populations. |
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing(Do-Study-Act) |
Investigate assessment standards and benchmarking assessments to measure student achievement of standards.
Develop a plan and protocol for data analysis using benchmarking and intervention data from a pilot of the STAR test and Freckle intervention program. |
Implement a pilot benchmarking and intervention program during Terrier Time using the STAR assessment and Freckle intervention program. |
Investigate academic intervention tools and strategies. Investigate supplements to the Freckle intervention program. |
Implement a pilot intervention program during Terrier Time using the STAR assessment and Freckle intervention program. Continue currently implemented intervention programs and gather data to analyze their effectiveness.
STRATEGY 2 With student input, enhance the overall student day and year through reimagining the daily schedule, course offerings, electives, periods in the day, extra-curricular activities, and other afterschool and summer learning opportunities. |
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing |
2023-2024 - Analyze our current course offerings and investigate how personal pathways could be incorporated into course offerings.
2024-2025 – Develop a course pathway proposal for October 2024.
2024-2025 – Develop new course proposals to fit the proposed pathways for October 2024.
2025-2026 – Implement course pathway system and new courses to complete pathways. |
Analyze our current after school and summer programming and investigate how our programming can be enhanced.
Develop an enhanced after school and summer programming plan.
Continue currently implemented after school and summer programming. Analyze data on our current offerings.
STRATEGY 3 Improve communication, collaboration, and alignment with all PK-8 feeder elementary districts to ready all students for high school. |
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing |
Define “Personal Responsibility and Growth Mindset” to share with feeder schools. |
Develop program teach “Personal Responsibility and Growth Mindset” to students K-12. Share marketing/posters with feeder schools on the CCHS Portrait of a Graduate.
Implement program to teach “Personal Responsibility and Growth Mindset” to students K-12. Prepare and implement plans for half day articulation in September 2023. |
Pilot “Terrier 101” course during CCHS Summer Enrichment. Develop “Terrier 101” course for feeder schools to use during advisory periods in Semester 2 of 8th grade.
Set regular check in meetings with five district articulation team. Begin planning for the next phase of the CCHS Portrait of a Graduate to be focused on in 2024-2025.
Promote an environment that is respectful, innovative, inclusive, and supportive.
Re-imagine opportunities to advance student life skills, address student social emotional needs, and improve student behaviors, and attendance.
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing |
Create/develop information to share in Terrier Time.
Provide professional development to staff to increase awareness and understanding of the social emotional and behavioral needs of students.
Implement a plan to monitor and support Terrier Time.
Implement and monitor a Terrier Time Pass System.
Set measurements and targets for attendance, behavioral referrals and tardies. Share results monthly.
Explore ways to utilize PBIS to implement incentives for positive student behavior.
Develop a school wide system to reward students on a quarterly and semester basis. Develop a process to reward Tier 2/3 students on behavior and attendance improvements.
Set measurements and targets for attendance, behavioral referrals and tardies. Share results monthly. Implement a school wide system to reward students on a quarterly and semester basis. Implement a process to reward Tier 2/3 students on behavior and attendance improvements.
Explore programs to address student social emotional needs, and improve student behaviors and attendance. Investigate additional Restorative Practices within the school.
Develop an Alternative to Suspension Program.
Institute a Freshman Support Program. Implement an Alternative to Suspension Program. Monitor and implement current/new policies and procedures in regards to discipline and attendance. Set measurements and targets for attendance, behavioral referrals and tardies. Share results monthly. |
Investigate ways to educate students, parents and the community on the safety plans that are in place at CCHS.
Communicate the safety plans to students, parents and the community. Disseminate information via CCHS website throughout the school year. |
Recruit, develop, and retain a high-quality workforce to ensure and strengthen workplace competencies, collaboration, and satisfaction.
Strengthen workplace diversity, competencies, collaboration, and satisfaction to continue to retain high-quality staff
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing |
1. Investigate and implement ways to enhance and streamline our application process through a centralized software program. |
1. Develop a plan to review various software programs in order to determine the best fit for our school district. |
1. Obtain baseline measurements for applications for all positions within the school district.
2. Implement our Terrier Spotlight which will highlight two faculty member and two staff members each month. |
2. Monitor the Terrier Spotlight process and adjust as needed. |
2. Set measurements and targets to monitor faculty and staff satisfaction.
3. Investigate ways to increase faculty/staff collaboration and performance through peer-to-peer observations |
3. Investigate other schools/districts that utilize peer-to-peer observations as a method of collaboration, support and development of their staff. |
3. Administer, set measurements, and targets for faculty and staff participation on the 5 Essentials Survey. Analyze 5 Essentials faculty and staff responses to set targets for improvement. |
4. Implement and investigate ways to use our faculty and staff exit survey and 5 Essentials data for school improvement. |
4. Develop an implementation plan for the faculty and staff exit survey and the use of the data on faculty and staff exit survey and 5 Essentials Survey |
4. Analyze faculty and staff exit survey/5 Essentials responses to set targets for improvement. |
Enrich certified staff professional learning that leads to innovation and project-based, real-world learning that is responsive to student voice and choice
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing |
1. Investigate ways to incorporate Solution Tree within our professional development calendar. |
1. Develop a plan to incorporate Solution Tree as a professional development plan individualized for our various departments. |
1. Identify needs and wants of our faculty for targeted professional development opportunities. |
2. Investigate and implement Teach Plus Affinity Groups Network at CCHS to cultivate inclusive spaces shaped by and for educators of color. |
2. Develop a plan for how Affinity Groups are utilized at CCHS. |
2. Identify needs and wants of our faculty as it relates to the implementation of Affinity Groups. |
Cultivate partnerships with families and the community to support and expand learning opportunities for students.
Strengthen relationships with families through increased education, engagement, and outreach.
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing |
1. Explore best practices to expand the community meet and greet/open house concept during the 2023-24 school year |
Develop a plan to advertise the event and offer incentives/prizes to achieve maximum community participation. |
Obtain baseline measurements for parent participation. |
2. With parent teacher conferences being expanded to occur both semesters, explore best practices to increase parent engagement and involvement at the meetings. |
Develop a process to communicate, advertise, and assess parent conference activities. |
Set measurements and targets for parent participation at parent teacher conferences.
3. Investigate ways to enhance our incoming freshman orientation, induction, and mentoring systems. (Event held in February) |
Develop a process to communicate, advertise, and assess freshman induction activities. |
Obtain baseline measurements for parent participation.
4. Investigate ways to use 5 Essentials data for school improvement. |
Develop a plan to increase parent participation and the use of data on the 5Essentials Survey. |
Administer, set measurements, and targets for parent participation on the 5 Essentials Survey. Analyze 5 Essentials parent responses to set targets for improvement. |
Enhance life, college, and career readiness through enhanced relationships with SIU, JALC, SIH, and other community businesses and partners.
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing |
1. Investigate ways to collaborate with SIU, JALC, SIH, and Trade Unions to stimulate career awareness. |
Develop a process to help students identify career options that they would be interested in learning about. |
Identify guest speakers to periodically come into the school to enhance career awareness.
2. Explore ways to partner with the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce and CTE Department to provide students a job fair for summer employment.
Create a plan for the Chamber of Commerce to invite employers to campus for the job fair event. Work with CCHS Counselors and CTE Department to prepare students for the event by teaching resume writing, interview techniques, and job preparedness. |
Plan and execute a job fair event for students. Set targets and measurements for the number businesses that partner in the event, and the number of students that attend. |
Make effective and efficient use of resources to maximize educational success.
Construct facility and technology upgrades and provide better space utilization to improve learning and teaching.
Investigating |
Developing |
Implementing |