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Daily Bulletin

Daily Bulletin

Friday, February 14, 2025




We will dismiss today at 11:45.  There will be no Terrier Time today.


The Army National Guard will be here on Thursday, February 20, to discuss careers in the Industrial trades. They will share information about what a typical day looks like, the education needed, salary and benefits, and how to start a career in the field. There will also be time for questions and answers, so be sure to bring your questions for our guest. If you have trouble getting signed up, please see your counselor or ask a CTE teacher. Each student that signs up in Maia Learning and attends will be entered to win a gift card. 


Donut Stop, Keep Moving! For the month of February, all students with 0 tardies will celebrate with a sweet treat from Dunkin doughnuts!    All you have to do is get to school and classes on time each day in February and you will be eligible! 


Attention Seniors- Concessions stand workers are still needed to help at tonight's home girls' basketball game 4:30pm-7:30pm in the gym.  Please fill out the form sent to your CCHS to sign up.


Tuesday night's home boys' basketball game is Senior Citizen Night in honor of Senior Night.  Let's fill the gym and support our seniors! 


Compatibility survey results can still be purchased through the end of school today in the Student Activities Office (J119) for $3.


Attention Juniors and Seniors- Freshmen Mentor applications for the 25-26 school year are now being accepted.  Check your CCHS email for the application link. Students who were mentors for the 24-25 school year will need to reapply. Applications are due by Monday, February 24th at 4pm.  No late applications will be accepted. See Mrs. Jones or Mr. Terry with any questions.


Terrier Students - Spring Sports are starting right around the corner!  Girls have the opportunity to participate in the following sports:  Girls Soccer, Girls Track, and Softball.  Boys Spring Sports are:  Boys Track, Boys Tennis, Baseball.  ALL student athletes MUST have a current physical on file in order to tryout.  Athletes must also complete the on-line athletic registration (FINAL FORMS) prior to tryouts.  See the Athletic Department for information or if you have questions.


Congratulations to Xavier O'Dell! The winner of The African American History Club Day 9 Trivia Question. 


Day 9 Trivia Question wasWhat was Madame C.J. Walker's real name and what type of products was she known for establishing? 


Answer:  Sarah Breedlove; Hair Care Products specifically for African American Women


Be sure to stop by Mrs. Love's room (H109) to claim your prize TODAY! 


Day 10 Trivia Question is:   Who was the first African American to graduate from college?  What college did he graduate from? And in what year did he graduate?


The email link will open @ 8:30 am.

Be sure to submit your answer by 3 pm today. 

Thank you ALL for your participation and Good Luck! 



Donut Stop, Keep Moving! For the month of February, all students with 0 tardies will celebrate with a sweet treat from Dunkin doughnuts!    All you have to do is get to school and classes on time each day in February and you will be eligible! 


There will be a short lifesaver meeting on Thursday, February 13th in Mrs. Povolish's classroom C200.


French club reminder: our Valentine's day breakfast will be this Friday starting at 7:45 A.M. in J107. Please sign up on our google classroom page.


The Key Club will meet tomorrow after school in the cafeteria. We will have a guest speaker and discuss elections. Snacks will be provided.


Compatibility Surveys results will be on sale tomorrow through Thursday across from the cafeteria during both lunch hours for $3.  Proceeds will go to the Coach Kill Cancer Fund.


Volleybro forms will be accepted through today in the Principal's Office.  Extra forms can be picked up in Attendance and the Principal's Office.




