Public Access
Carbondale Community High School District 165
The Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is designed to ensure that the public has access to public records and information about their government, including local school districts. The information included in this document is intended to assist you in obtaining information about Carbondale Community High School District 165.
Mission Statement
Provide students a personal pathway to a productive future.
The Board of Education believes that it is the responsibility of Carbondale Community High School District 165 to provide educational opportunities and experiences which will enable all students to develop their talents and capabilities so that they may be able to assume their responsible roles in a democratic society and to apply their knowledge to a lifetime of continuous learning. This philosophy places emphasis upon the total development of the student, recognizing the dignity and worth of each individual and serving to enhance within each student a sense of responsibility, tolerance, and freedom. We, the Board of Education, believe that to translate this philosophy into reality requires cooperation, communication, and continuous effort from the student, parent, faculty, and administration.
District website:
The District maintains a website at: The website provides a wealth of information regarding the programs and services provided by Carbondale Community High School District 165.
District Organization
The Organizational Chart for the administration of the District may be found at School Documents on the District’s website.
Offices of the District are located at:
Superintendent’s Office: Administrative Center
330 South Giant City Road
Carbondale, IL 62902
Principal’s Office: Carbondale Community High School
1301 East Walnut Street
Carbondale, IL 62902
Rebound Office: Rebound
205 North Oakland Avenue
Carbondale, IL 62901
The District employs approximately 200 full and part-time employees. Custodial and Transportation services are provided through private contractors.
The District is governed by an elected seven member Board of Education. The current members of the Board of Education may be found at Board of Education on the District’s website.
Public Meetings, Agendas and Minutes
The annual schedule of regular meetings of the Board of Education for the current school year, the current agenda and notice for the upcoming Board of Education meeting, and copies of approved minutes may be found at Board of Education on the District’s website.
Public Records
Full access to the District’s public records is available to any person as provided in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Persons wishing to view or obtain copies of District records should submit a written request directed to the District’s Freedom of Information Officer(s): Mr. Daniel Booth, Superintendent or Ms. Lucia Kelso, Administrative Assistant. All requests should be addressed to the FOIA Officer at: Administrative Center, 330 South Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.
Immediately Available Electronic Public Records
In addition to the public records previously identified, public records are immediately available at School Documents on the District’s website and may be inspected, downloaded, printed, and/or copied.
Categories of Public Records
In addition to the above identified public records, the District maintains and will make available for inspection and copying the following categories of records:
Board Governance: (1) District Board Policy Manual
Fiscal and Business Management: (1) Tax Levy
(2) Audit
(3) Annual Financial Report
(4) Grant Documents
(5) Bidding Specifications
(6) Account Statements
(7) Accounts Payable List
Personnel: (1) Salary Schedules
(2) Seniority List
(3) Professional Qualifications of Teachers
Instruction: (1) Master School Schedule
(2) Text Book Listing
Persons wishing to view or obtain copies of non-electronic District records should submit a written request directed to the District’s FOIA Officer at: Administrative Center, 330 South Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.
Persons making a request for copies of public records must pay a copying fee. No copying fee is charged for the first 50 pages. The copying fee for each page after the first 50 pages shall be .15 per page.