Social Studies Links
National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C.
Psychology Web Page Web resources for Mr. Hanson's Psychology class.
Archiving Early America A commercial site with scans of original primary source material of historic documents from 18th century America; in JPEG and PDF formats
At Home in the Heartland Online An exemplary example of a content-rich site; based on a museum exhibit covering the history of Illinois from 1700 to the present
Civil War Home Page An extensive series of links to battles, letters, photos, and much more dealing with the Civil War
Universal Black Pages : History The Black experience in America, past and present
K-12 History on the Internet Resource Guide Based on a presentation at the "Computers and History Conference 95"; great links for history educators
McREL : History Resources and Standards A good list of links with educational standards in this subject area included
Newspaper Links List of newspapers from the Learning Technology Hub