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Meredith Jones

Math Links TerrierNet Home

Class schedule:
Room: D108 Lunch B

  1. Prep Period
  2. Honors Geometry
  3. Terrier Time
  4. Intensified Algebra (Co-Taught with Ms. Murphy)
  5. Intensified Algebra (Co-Taught with Ms. Murphy)
  6. Integrated Algebra/Geometry 1 (Co-Taught with Ms. Murphy)
  7. Integrated Algebra/Geometry 1 (Co-Taught with Ms. Murphy)

Educational Background

  • B.S. in Mathematics at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, 2009

Extracurricular Activities

  • Junior Class Sponsor
  • Marching Band

Employment History

  • CCHS Summer Enrichment 2009 - present
  • John A. Logan College Alternative High School 2010-2011
  • CCHS 2011 - present